Brighton Secondary College Parents & Friends Association (PFA) is a supportive parent network open to all College families. Our main goal is to make a difference to our childrens’ education and teenage years.
By engaging in our PFA, families can provide strong examples to their children on the benefits of participating and volunteering within a larger community, at the same time sending positive messages of the value we place on their College and education.
PFA roles include:
- Fundraising & social events
- Spending raised funds on much needed items & equipment that are outside the normal College budget.
- Building a strong parent community
- Providing a parent representative voice to communicate family’s opinions to the College and the College council
The more involved families we have in the PFA, the broader the resources available to help us create a vibrant, engaged & supportive College community. Many hands make light work, and often all you have to do is give just one hour to make a difference.
As a member of the PFA, you will:
- Keep your finger on the pulse of issues that affect you and your child
- Be part of discussion around current school and PFA decisions and future direction
- Enjoy regular social events and meet other like-minded parents
Put in as little or as much work as you like. Your voice & input is valued in any capacity, whether you simply want to air your opinion at a PFA meeting, spare just one hour to volunteer at events or provide expertise that will help us make better decisions.
Five Reasons why you should join the Parents and Friends Association (PFA)
- Get Involved – You’re a parent and it’s good to be involved in your kid’s school – even in a small way.
- Have a Voice – Have your say about fundraising goals and what’s important to you.
- Be Informed. – Be the first to know what’s going on, and have the opportunity to have a say.
- Make a Friend. – Mix with other like-minded parents who also care about what goes on at school and how they can contribute.
- Just One Hour. – Many hands make light work is 100% true. Please lend a hand so we can get more done and make our school better for everyone.
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